Japan is a thunderclap of pure, distilled Amazing. The sights, sounds, and people leave me stunned and amazed every time. Tokyo is New York City to the nth power, but spotless and filled with the nicest, most respectful people I have ever met. I try to look beyond the city limits from floor-to-ceiling windows in New York Bar […]
Travel Bite: Food and Sake in Kyoto

Oyakodon. Ramen. Japanese diner staple food. A rice bowl topped with a chicken-egg-onion scramble, and a bowl full of tasty broth with noodles and toppings. These were the first things Mr. Forkful and I ate after a late-March 19-hour flight into Narita International and a loong late-night train ride to Kyoto. Not the romanticized idea I had in my head […]