Tales of the inaugural Daily City Food Truck Bazaar made the whole experience sound so harrowing. I’m glad to say this bazaar went smoothly and everyone was on their way to getting fed! There were still crowds, and the lines were as long as expected, but people were excited to be there and try new […]
Food Trucks
Sunrise Catering 1 at Orlando International Airport
Eat Local Orlando mentioned there were food trucks mere minutes out of my way, so I had to take a quick lunch expedition! The Red Lot is located on the Kissimmee side of the Orlando International Airport. There was signage that pointed me in the right direction, and I found the Red Lot across from […]
Food Truck Pod at Firestone Live on April 20, 2011
My inaugural visit to Eat Local Orlando’s food truck pod came, but not before a little prepo work. I was determined to sample as much food as possible, so I stuck to small meals throughout the day instead of gorging myself my lunch like usual. The payoff was The Crooked Spoon’s amazing 4-20 Burger with […]